Canceling Subscription
One of the great benefits of having INNsight design and host your website and manage your internet marketing and social networking is that you can cancel at any time with no cost!
When your Standalone Website Powered by INNsight subscription is terminated, we can return your old website to your original hosting provider if you had a website initially. If you did not have a website before subscribing, unfortunately you will no longer have a website render at your URL or website address. A Website Powered by INNsight is driven by a Content Management System and Property Management System hosted by INNsight and all of your content, photos, and room inventory can no longer be presented on another website that is not Powered by INNsight. We will return to you any photography, content, images, and domain owned by your property.
One of the great benefits of having INNsight design and host your website and manage your internet marketing and social networking is that you can cancel at any time with no cost!
If you would like to cancel, although we'd be disappointed, we'll gladly terminate your account immediately. Simply contact your Account Manager and notify them that you'd like to cancel. We will turn off your Website Powered by INNsight. You will receive a prorated billing statement and receive any assets that you own upon termination.
You can cancel your subscription to INNsight simply by emailing us at with your User ID and a request to cancel your subscription. One of our helpful customer service representatives will research your account and assist you with canceling your subscription.