Rate Card
The Rate Card operates very similarly to the Room Management GRID insofar as there is a search function atop which allows you to identify the rates that you have set for any date, room type, room #, or room status.
The Rate Card also displays the color-coded cells demonstrating the status of each room like the Room Management GRID. By understanding the status of the rooms, you can make more informed pricing decisions.
You can Block and Unblock rooms individually by simply right clicking and selecting 'Block'. Cells that are colored Blue denote that that room type is blocked for that night. To unblock, right-click a blocked room and click 'Unblock'. Blocking a room removes it from the online inventory displayed on INNsight.com and/or your standalone website Powered by INNsight.
To Block the whole property for a particular night, select the check box in the row in the GRID which contains the Dates. Once you click on the checkbox, all rooms will be blocked property wide for that date. To unblock the property, simply unclick the checkbox. If your entire property is blocked, a No Vacancy message will appear on your Property Profile Page or Standalone website Powered by INNsight.