What Most Hotel Web Design Companies Don't Want You To Know?


Hoteliers must ensure they receive what they want when choosing a website design company. Unfortunately, due to commercial tactics, most companies only tell you some of the truth about the results. Before investing in designers, ask questions to avoid falling victim to these strategies.

This article discusses

  • 6 Trade secrets that most website design companies withhold from you.
  • Best website examples

If you paid for a washing machine, would you prefer to receive a microwave in return?

NO! We would expect to receive what we paid for.

Imagine that while you are still paying for the washing machine, the salesperson has persuaded you to purchase a microwave instead. It is a con!

You should be completely informed of what you put in and receive. Web design companies often would rather keep their tiny secrets hidden from you. You shouldn't be a victim of these strategies.

This blog explains the top 6 secrets web design companies prefer to hide from you and what you should do instead to avoid getting scammed.

6 Top Secrets Most Hotel Web Design Companies Don't Want You To Know

1. It's Not Always Necessary To Redesign Your Hotel Website

Your hotel can have a solid digital presence through its website. It gives credibility to your business. If your business doesn't have a direct website, consider getting one!

But, if you already have a website and are thinking of getting a new one, be sure you need it.

Figure out the specific reason you need a new website.

For example,

Is it failing to deliver your bookings as expected?

Is the user experience satisfactory?

Is the page speed slow?

A few website design changes or minor technical upgrades can solve such problems. You don't have to create a website from scratch in these situations.

Remember, design is a small scene from the entire movie. You have to develop many other aspects to enhance the user experience. 

Many website design companies recommend creating an entirely new website. Do not fall prey to this. Instead, research and figure out what your hotel's website needs to generate sales.

Check other competitors' websites and see what new technologies they are using and what new elements they are incorporating into their websites. 

Check out the 15 best hotel website examples.

2. Flashy Isn’t Always Practical!

Remember that potential customers will book your hotel for its services and reputation, not for how pretty your website looks!

When designing a website, often, business owners fall prey to flashy designs. Website aesthetics matter; however, focus on customer needs.

Web designing companies may show you their portfolios with flashy websites that look innovative and unique. But when it comes to functionality, they fail terribly!

The hotel website design has to be easy for customers to navigate. After all, user experience (UX) is what matters.

Here’s an ideal website design example of Hotel Petaluma -

Hotel Petaluma homepage content

Why is this design practical?

It's a minimalistic design that delivers what is needed. If users land on this page, they can easily navigate and understand. They will know where to book a room, nearby attractions, an overview of the hotel, and other information. 

In addition, it is not flashy! The simple yet creative color palette, choice of fonts, backgrounds, photographs, and sliders are effective. It doesn't have crowded text or designs.

Remember, less is more!

It is important to make your website look professional and modern. Yet, your users should be able to get the information they need as quickly as possible.

Only then will they explore your site more and turn into paying customers.

Keeping it technologically updated is also essential. For instance, your website should be responsive because most people use mobile phones for bookings. 

A website that lags on mobile will likely lose business. No brainer!

Know 10 Benefits of Responsive Web Design for Your Business.

3. Website Design Is An Ongoing Process

This is another truth most web design companies don't tell you. Website designing is an ongoing process that needs to be frequently updated. 

Some website designers charge a whopping one-time amount at the beginning. They design the website, and then their work is over there. If you opt for such services, you are paying for an unfinished product.

Website design is an ongoing process

You must continually update your website according to the market's new trends. 

A website that does not generate leads is useless, no matter how great it looks!

The only way you can generate continuous leads to your website is through SEO, and it is a long process. 

One who designs the website has better knowledge of the SEO of that particular website. If your website designer works on your website SEO, it's the cherry on top!

You can employ companies that charge monthly fees to maintain your website and do other relevant tasks like SEO!

4. Website Designing Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive

Many hoteliers think spending a lot of money on website design will serve the ultimate purpose. Of course, you get what you pay for; but you shouldn't pay more than you need to.

Web designing companies may blind you with heavy coding terms you don't understand. This will cost you a fortune. Even after this, you won’t get what you had expected.

You can go for companies that deliver you theme-based designs to choose from. You can make changes according to your needs!

When you subscribe to INNsight at monthly charges as low as $199/month, you get free and responsive website design!

You can choose from different packages according to your hotel type and needs. 

You get various other services, such as

Moreover, there is no long-term commitment! You can cancel your subscription anytime. Also, you can skip setup charges and booking commissions!

You will save thousands of dollars if you opt INNsight’s Website Designing Services that deliver you everything you expect and more!

5. Website Maintenance and Other Hidden Charges

Often, website designers do not mention website maintenance charges at the beginning.

Which maintenance charges should you consider?
  • Web Hosting
  • SSL certificate
  • Changes in website design at frequent intervals 
  • Content management
  • SEO 
  • Domain charges

Your website design costs should include most of the above charges. Imagine having a website designed by A, hosted by B, and maintained by C. It doesn’t have to be so complicated!

INNsight covers most of the above tasks, plus the website design when subscribing to their packages. 

At INNsight, we understand hospitality and current trends due to over a decade of experience. Our experienced team does thorough research before delivering the desired product. 

If your website is “Powered By INNsight,” you no longer have to worry about return on investment (ROI)! The INNsight System has plenty of reports demonstrating traffic patterns and sales conversion.

Read clients' testimonials to be assured of the great value provided by INNsight!

Hotel's guest testimonial

Read the complete success story of our client - Hotel Petaluma.

6. You Don’t Always Have To Be Completely Unique

you don't always have to be completely unique

Who doesn't like to be unique and stand out from the crowd? But that shouldn't go too far! 

Certain aspects make for an easier-to-navigate website. But, unfortunately, many web designers change far too many elements, turning it into a navigation disaster!

For example, a visitor on a hotel's website would expect tabs like room booking, overview, packages, and nearby attractions.

You have to follow these unspoken rules to make it easier for visitors. Otherwise, no matter how good your website is, it will ruin the user experience.

If you break this cycle, users will get confused and eventually leave the site. As a result, all your efforts to bring traffic to your website will fail.

You can bring one-of-a-kind aspects to your website while keeping the user experience in mind. You must find a website designing company with expertise in the hospitality industry.

At INNsight, we always keep user engagement in mind and develop advanced hotel websites. We leverage the latest technologies to bring more traffic to your website.

INNsight lets you customize your site however you want without hindering the user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When should you consider getting a new website design for your hotel?

A. If your website needs to catch up technologically or design-wise, then update these aspects. Figure out what you need for your website and then make educated decisions. 

If you don’t have a website, you should consider getting one for your hotel’s digital presence. If you already have a website, you may only need to modify a few aspects rather than get a brand-new one. 

Q. How to find a website design company that is reasonably priced?

A. Website design is an ongoing process. Avoid companies that charge you a one-time amount and disappear. Go for companies that charge you monthly. Their subscription charges should include maintenance and upgrade charges. If you subscribe to INNsight, you will get a free website design and relevant services. If you want to make changes to your website later, it will be for no extra charge.

Q. What are the hidden charges in website design?

A. Websites require constant maintenance. Web hosting, SSL certificate, changes in website design at frequent intervals, content management, SEO, domain charges, etc., are the other charges you should consider while choosing the right company.

Q. What questions should I ask my website designer before hiring them?

A. To avoid hiring the wrong website designers, ask them questions before investing. Ask them if the new website is user-friendly. If it will generate more leads than before, how will they maintain the website, and how much will they charge? Ask for their portfolio and how their design will be practical for your business. Lastly, make sure they have expertise in your field.

Q. How to design a user-friendly website?

A. Your website designer should design a website from a user’s perspective. Don't use difficult-to-read sentences. Make sure font styles and sizes, designs, and colors are simple yet catchy. Work on website layout and make it easy to navigate. A confused visitor is the loss of a potential customer!


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