Housekeeping List

The Housekeeping List is where you can assign the rooming list to housekeepers and print out daily housekeeping lists to share with your housekeeping staff.

The first step in using the Housekeeping List feature is to set up your list of housekeepers. Click on the 'Add Housekeeper' button to add a housekeeper to your roster. Simply add your housekeeper's name when asked and press the 'Add' button. If you click on 'Housekeeper List,' a page displaying all of your added housekeepers will be displayed where you can edit or remove housekeepers.

Once housekeepers are added to The System, you can then assign them to rooms by selecting their name in the Housekeeper column pull-down. This self-explanatory process allows you to assign a housekeeper to each room. Enter remarks for any special requests.

After you complete the assignment of housekeepers to the rooms, you can print the housekeeping reports to provide them to your staff. Simply filter by housekeeper name at the top search bar by selecting the housekeeper name from the pull-down menu and then selecting the 'Filter' button. Once the results below are filtered for that housekeeper's name and double-checked for accuracy, you can click on the Adobe Acrobat PDF icon at the top right to spawn the creation of the housekeeping list for that employee. Simply press print in Adobe Acrobat, and you will have a comprehensive housekeeping list for that set of rooms. You can print a master list of your entire property by pressing 'Reset' and clicking on the PDF button when all rooms are displayed below.

You can select previous dates in history in the calendar field to audit who cleaned what room on a specific date.